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Sallyanne Jones


I am a social worker and social care leader since 1999, working in frontline safeguarding services to children. I am skilled in (but not limited to) safeguarding assessment, ParentAssess, family support, fostering assessments, supervision, training, auditing, policy and strategic development. I have practice experience as a Team Manager, Conference Chair and Head of Locality Services in 5 differing Local Authorities. I focus on the welfare of the child as my paramount consideration and practice from a relational, strengths-based perspective. I bring a range of experience from working in local authorities, charities, private agencies and bespoke commissions.

Mary Hegarty


I was employed by NSPCC in Derry from 2004-2021, initially as a practitioner, then Team Manager, before becoming Service Manager in 2018, specialising throughout in Sexual Abuse recovery work, but also working with families in which there had been domestic abuse. NPSCC made the Service Manager post redundant in late 2021, at which time I became an Independent Therapeutic Social Worker. I am experienced in developing and delivering training in all aspects of this work to statutory and voluntary organisations, and offer training online, I accept referrals from all agencies as well as families/self referrals.

Maxine Harris


After qualifying as a social worker in 1998 I worked in a local authority children and families team mainly in child protection. I commenced independent work in 2003 working initially as a Childrens’ Guardian representing children in public law proceedings. I presently do independent work with local authorities and private fostering agencies. I have prepared numerous reports for court and have acted as an expert witness in family proceedings. I have knowledge of the Islamic culture, dual and mixed heritage families, lesbian and gay partnerships, family assessments, sibling relationships and family contacts. I have chaired child protection and family group conferences and fostering panels.

Carole Littlechild


Whilst working with families to develop & maintain parenting skills, understand traumas associated with neglect & abuse, disrupted care through to alternative permanent parenting - understanding & representing children’s needs throughout has been my focus, as a social worker & manager in front line & adoption, in Court reports, as family mediator, as Children’s Guardian & Adoption Panel Advisor. Latterly I have specialised in developing my understanding of trauma and attachment needs in children. I have over 30 years of providing consultancy, practice supervision & training. I have extensive experience in all matters relating to adoption in England & Wales.

Maswood Ahmed


Experienced PAMS & ParentAssess Trained Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 30 years Social Care experience, 17 years as Local Authority Social Work Team Manager. International social work experience including assessment, placement and supervision of children. Expertise in Asian, African, Eastern European, Sudanese, Somalian, middle-Eastern culture, language, religion, including Islam and Muslims. Bangladeshi, Sylheti, Bengali, cultural expert. Learning Disability, mental health and complex parenting/risk assessments. Case management and investigation involving Forced Marriage, Black Magic, Domestic Violence, child sexual exploitation, emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. Independent immigration Tribunal reports. Experienced Expert witness. Expertise in Connected Persons, Special Guardianship (SGO) assessments.

Patricia Barry-Relph


I am Founder and Director of Co-Parenting Matters Ltd. I have extensive experience as an expert in the preparation of reports for Court in Public and Private Law Proceedings where there is a resist – refuse dynamic or contact difficulties with children of separated parents. I have a private clinical practice as a Specialist Systemic Family Therapist in Guildford, Surrey and in Totnes, Devon. I offer bespoke and tailored high conflict therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic viability assessments as a SJE. I am a registered social worker with 38 years’ experience in child protection, adult mental health, (warranted under 1983 MHA) with 20 years’ experience as a clinician in child and adolescent mental health CAMHS. I am a legally registered social worker with CORU in Ireland and am available to work within this jurisdiction.

Rukhsana Farooqi


Dr Rukhsana Farooqi Social Work Consultant/Director of Empowering Black Children and Families LTD a multidisciplinary Team. I have expertise in working with families from Pakistan, India and, Bangladesh and an interest in working with children of dual heritage. Also experience of working in child protection and assessing children and families subject to court proceedings. I have been a Guardian ad Litem for the Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham and London panels and a part-time Court Welfare Officer for the Middlesex Probation Service. I undertake Independent comprehensive assessments in Public and Private Law Proceedings, immigration, age assessments and work for the Official Solicitor. I have expertise in forced marriage and honour based violence. I have undertaken assessments where there have been issues of radicalisation. I also have expertise in child and adolescent mental health and therapeutic work with young Asian women.

Gill Timmis


I am an independent social worker with over 25 years experience of children and families social work. My expertise is in the following areas: independent parenting and risk assessments; assessments of prospective adopters and kinship assessments; representation of children as CAFCASS Children’s Guardian and in private law disputes concerning contact, residence and removal from the jurisdiction, appointed by the National Youth Advocacy Service. I have trained social workers and CAFCASS practitioners in child care legislation and practice, adoption and children’s rights and participation. I have published research and professional articles. I have worked in Bulgaria and Ethiopia running workshops in child care practice and legislation. I have knowledge of practice and have social work and legal contacts in Bulgaria and Ethiopia to enable me to provide advice in relation to international cases.

Fareena Shaheed


I qualified as a Social Worker in 1996 and commenced work in a local authority, undertaking the full range of statutory intervention. After working with an Independent Fostering Provider I joined Cafcass as a Family Court Adviser, then progressing to Service Manager. I later returned to local authority practice in a QA and Practice Development role. As an Independent Practitioner I provide a broad range of high quality assessments. In addition, I have IRO experience, and contributed the OU SW degree course as an Associate Lecturer. I regularly design and deliver training for practitioners. Find out more or contact me at or

Surinder Kumari


I have considerable experience of court processes and have undertaken numerous assessments for the courts on different aspects including Parenting, Friends and Family Assessments, Sibling attachment, Core Assessments, Social Work Assessments, Contact and Risk Assessments. Some of these have been complex pieces of work with families where there have been child deaths/torture, surrogacy and forced marriages. I am trained to undertake Parenting assessments using the PAMS assessment tool parents with learning difficulties and undertaken the teachings. I am passionate about working with families and presenting good quality assessments to assist the decision making process for children and their families.