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Gill Timmis


I am an independent social worker with over 25 years experience of children and families social work. My expertise is in the following areas: independent parenting and risk assessments; assessments of prospective adopters and kinship assessments; representation of children as CAFCASS Children’s Guardian and in private law disputes concerning contact, residence and removal from the jurisdiction, appointed by the National Youth Advocacy Service. I have trained social workers and CAFCASS practitioners in child care legislation and practice, adoption and children’s rights and participation. I have published research and professional articles. I have worked in Bulgaria and Ethiopia running workshops in child care practice and legislation. I have knowledge of practice and have social work and legal contacts in Bulgaria and Ethiopia to enable me to provide advice in relation to international cases.

Kev Stroud


I am an Independent Social Worker and Social Work Consultant with nearly 30 years experience of practice and management in social care services, primarily in local authority child protection work. I have worked in various teams - assessment, care planning and court work included - and dealt with a wide range of risk issues for children. I began working independently in 2016. I have well developed assessment, care planning, supervisory and report writing skills. My interests are in improving the effectiveness and quality of services and ensuring good assessment, planning and long-term outcomes for children and families.

Barbara Lockhart-Gleeson


I have been a qualified social worker since 1981 and currently work part time in child mental health services in a national specialist team. I have worked regularly as an independent social worker providing reports to the courts since 2007, and have experience in both public and private law proceedings. I have also provided reports in the Netherlands. I have particular expertise in children with neuro-psychiatric disorders and mothers with mental health difficulties. Occasional availability at short notice in London and South East.

Elena Sandrini


I have 38 years experience of working with children and families gained in England, mainland Europe and some third world countries. I specialise in undertaking complex risk and kinship assessments in the UK and abroad, especially in third world states. I have considerable experience in assisting parties to identify common grounds and to enable conciliation when to do so is realistic and appropriate. I have a proven ability to work with those whose ability to care for them is impaired by learning disability of by the effect of substance misuse. I am a strong and effective motivator. I am a trained mediator, I am fluent in Italian and I am approved by the Italian Consulate to undertake assessments in Italy and my work is recognised by the Italian Courts. I have undertaken training as a coach with animas and I available to coach and mediate in English and Italian.

Blossom Francis


During 15 years of post qualifying experience in children and families front line service, I have gained invaluable experience of various facets such as parental substance misuse, parental mental health, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, honour based violence, to name a few. My Asian/Indian background and awareness of cultural issues benefit my assessment and intervention with various Asian and ethnic minority communities. My ability to speak, read and write Hindi and Gujarati is the cherry on top as I am able to tender my services to a larger population. I have undertaken parenting assessments, risk assessments, Pams, SGO assessments and viability assessments.

John Abdullah-Zadeh


Experienced Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 40 years Social Work experience, 21 years Local Authority Social Work &Team Manager. International social work, parenting capacity & kinship assessments. Expertise in cultures, ethnicity, faith, and traditions relating to Asian, African, and European families. Immigration and mental health-related issues. Multilingual

Surinder Kumari


I have considerable experience of court processes and have undertaken numerous assessments for the courts on different aspects including Parenting, Friends and Family Assessments, Sibling attachment, Core Assessments, Social Work Assessments, Contact and Risk Assessments. Some of these have been complex pieces of work with families where there have been child deaths/torture, surrogacy and forced marriages. I am trained to undertake Parenting assessments using the PAMS assessment tool parents with learning difficulties and undertaken the teachings. I am passionate about working with families and presenting good quality assessments to assist the decision making process for children and their families.

Eugene McCarthy


I provide an Assessment Service specialising in Form F, Special Guardianship, Kinship Care, & Art 56 (EU Regs) in relation to the placement of children in Ireland from the UK and other EU jurisdictions. I also provide risk assessment and follow up support and supervision where required. My agency Social Work Solutions Ireland is approved for the purposes of obtaining Garda (Irish Police) Vetting. Irish state registered social worker ( (Reg. No. 005439) and member Irish Assoc of Social Workers (IASW).

Fareena Shaheed


I qualified as a Social Worker in 1996 and commenced work in a local authority, undertaking the full range of statutory intervention. After working with an Independent Fostering Provider I joined Cafcass as a Family Court Adviser, then progressing to Service Manager. I later returned to local authority practice in a QA and Practice Development role. As an Independent Practitioner I provide a broad range of high quality assessments. In addition, I have IRO experience, and contributed the OU SW degree course as an Associate Lecturer. I regularly design and deliver training for practitioners. Find out more or contact me at or

Jeffrey Baker


I have more than 20 years’ experience as a qualified social worker, including 10+ years as an independent expert witness (ISW) in the UK family court. I have held social work and management roles in Local Authorities; acted as a children’s Guardian and family court advisor for Cafcass; and I regularly teach social work at several London universities, and for the NHS at the Tavistock Clinic. Previously in New York City, I gained experience in issues of mental health, substance misuse and trauma as a mental health clinician in the Rikers Island jail facility; in a child and adolescent psychiatric unit; and crisis work following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As an ISW I complete Section 7 reports, parenting assessments, risk assessments, supervise and assess contact, and offer consultations for parents in private law proceedings. I have filed reports and given evidence in every family court in greater London and many across the country and my work has been positively evaluated in two published court judgements.