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Lauren Doyle


Since qualifying in 2013, I have gained a range of experience within social work in Ireland, Wales, and England. My strengths lie in direct work with children, risk assessment, and decision making. I complete child and family assessments which feature complex factors and international issues. I am confident in raising the voice of children within their proceedings and advising the court on the living arrangements that are in their best interest. In the last 6 years I have developed expertise in private law family proceedings, comprehensively analysing family issues under the Child Arrangements Programme, or before the High Court. Alongside my social work practice, I am a PhD candidate researching the experiences of children and young people in Private Law proceedings.

Mary Hegarty


I was employed by NSPCC in Derry from 2004-2021, initially as a practitioner, then Team Manager, before becoming Service Manager in 2018, specialising throughout in Sexual Abuse recovery work, but also working with families in which there had been domestic abuse. NPSCC made the Service Manager post redundant in late 2021, at which time I became an Independent Therapeutic Social Worker. I am experienced in developing and delivering training in all aspects of this work to statutory and voluntary organisations, and offer training online, I accept referrals from all agencies as well as families/self referrals.

Patricia Sweeney


I have been a Senior Social Worker working in Ireland’s largest local Authority where I assisted individuals and families to live independently whilst encouraging safe and secure communities. During this time, I completed a Masters in Mental Health, with a particular focus on forensic mental health and housing (published) and have also undertaken research for the Dublin Region Homeless Executive. I’ve worked with multiple internal and external stakeholders in developing and completing housing assessments for sex offenders. I am currently practicing as a mediator in community mediation. With over 20 years’ experience in social work, I am a member of CORU and the IASW (Irish Association of Social Workers). My current work includes Special Guardianship and Fostering Assessments, Financial Assessments, Supervision and Mentoring and Social Reports for Court.

Judi Lyons


I have worked as an independent social worker specializing in providing assessments of children and their families, principally involved in Children Act (1989) proceedings since 2004. I have provided reports for local authorities, parents and grandparents in public law proceedings and given evidence in court. I have also conducted parenting assessments in the UK and Europe. Until 2010 I was also a Children’s Guardian, having spent 25 years in this role. I have combined this area of work with being a practice teacher and part-time lecturer in social work. I am a qualified FMA supervisor and work as a family mediator and supervisor in divorce proceedings. I currently train solicitors for the Children Panel.

Eugene McCarthy


I provide an Assessment Service specialising in Form F, Special Guardianship, Kinship Care, & Art 56 (EU Regs) in relation to the placement of children in Ireland from the UK and other EU jurisdictions. I also provide risk assessment and follow up support and supervision where required. My agency Social Work Solutions Ireland is approved for the purposes of obtaining Garda (Irish Police) Vetting. Irish state registered social worker ( (Reg. No. 005439) and member Irish Assoc of Social Workers (IASW).

Noel Beckett


I have over twenty years of social work experience offering a range of assessment, programmes and other independent social work services focused towards families where there are child protection concerns and/or where Care Proceedings have commenced or are being considered. I offer a child focused professional service to solicitors, local authorities and independent organizations. In addition I provide training and consultancy throughout the UK, in areas such as Professional Coaching, and Supervision, domestic violence, safeguarding, risk assessment and analysis, drug and alcohol abuse, I am able to provide assessments to parents with a learning disability am also able to provide.

Fareena Shaheed


I qualified as a Social Worker in 1996 and commenced work in a local authority, undertaking the full range of statutory intervention. After working with an Independent Fostering Provider I joined Cafcass as a Family Court Adviser, then progressing to Service Manager. I later returned to local authority practice in a QA and Practice Development role. As an Independent Practitioner I provide a broad range of high quality assessments. In addition, I have IRO experience, and contributed the OU SW degree course as an Associate Lecturer. I regularly design and deliver training for practitioners. Find out more or contact me at or

Jeffrey Baker


I have more than 20 years’ experience as a qualified social worker, including 10+ years as an independent expert witness (ISW) in the UK family court. I have held social work and management roles in Local Authorities; acted as a children’s Guardian and family court advisor for Cafcass; and I regularly teach social work at several London universities, and for the NHS at the Tavistock Clinic. Previously in New York City, I gained experience in issues of mental health, substance misuse and trauma as a mental health clinician in the Rikers Island jail facility; in a child and adolescent psychiatric unit; and crisis work following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As an ISW I complete Section 7 reports, parenting assessments, risk assessments, supervise and assess contact, and offer consultations for parents in private law proceedings. I have filed reports and given evidence in every family court in greater London and many across the country and my work has been positively evaluated in two published court judgements.

Helena Ware


I qualified in 1976. I worked in a local authority and as senior psychiatric social worker, in Child and Family and Psychiatry. I am a Children’s Guardian and caseworker for NYAS. I have been an independent social worker for the past 21 years specialising as an expert witness in private law and public law assessments in Children Act proceedings. I undertake independent social work assessments of families in private law matters involving residence and contact as well as leave to remove from the jurisdiction or internal relocation. I have assessed parents and families in public law. I have travelled extensively all over the world for assessments in both public and private law. I have family therapy and PAMs training.

Robert Forrester


Born in Jamaica but educated in UK , I am at ease working with clients from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I have worked in Residential Childrens Homes and after qualifying as SW I joined Hackney Children Services. This inner city experience helped develop strong assessment skills working with communities including Orthodox Jews, Turkish, S. Asians, West African, Eritreans, Caribbean, Irish, White British and Travelling families. I have addressed sexuality and gender issues. Worked for 9 Local Authorities & also Cafcass managing Children's Guardians in the Principal Registry. I was a manager at Windsor & Maidenhead and at Redbridge Children's Trust as a Quality Assurance Officer. I am interested and have undertaken training in so-called parental alienation. A good listener my primary task is to protect vulnerable children.