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Who we are

Council Members & Service Providers

Duties and Responsibilities of the Council and the Officers

Officers and Council members of Nagalro take part in many other social work related activities, aside from their work as Children's Guardians, ISWs, family placement specialists, therapists etc.

Being a Council member may inform or enhance these other roles and vice versa. However, when a member has a personal interest in an activity in which Nagalro has a current role which is not related to their official Nagalro role, it is essential that the Council is informed and that no approaches are made to another organisation which could represent a conflict of interest either for the member or for Nagalro. Such personal interests, which may involve research, consultation or training, should be advised to the Council prior to any outside undertaking.

Nagalro Officers



Yvonne Wilson - Chair


 Yvonne has  over 30 years direct social work experience in Children and Families within Child  Protection in London and as a Children's Guardian in London and Kent.  With her black african-caribbean background she has acted as a self-employed ISW and Children’s Guardian in public and private law cases for more than 15 years.  Yvonne has worked with families where concerns encompass neglect and child protection, substance misuse, domestic violence, mental health and learning difficulties.  She undertook ASW training in 1991 and has a great deal of experience of cultural issues, complex assessments where children are rehabilitated to their families and also sibling contact during and post proceedings.  Yvonne  has been instrumental in helping set up the Nagalro Black Children's Lives Matter  Group and was appointed Nagalro Chair in October 2022.    



Fiona Wallace - Vice Chair

Fiona Wallace (BA Hons, DIPSW, MA) is an Independent Social Worker, and former employed Children's Guardian, with particular experience in working with adults with mental health, drug and alcohol issues, and adverse childhood experiences.  She has over 30 years direct work experience in mental health provision, statutory child protection, adoption and fostering, and children in care social work. Her first degree was in psychology and philosophy.  Recently she completed a Masters in contemporary fine art and cultural contexts.  Fiona has been involved with Nagalro Council in particular with recent conferences, training, and the Black Children's Lives Matter sub group.  Fiona feels privileged to have the opportunity to take up the role of acting Vice Chair of Nagalro at this important time for the association.  She particularly welcomes open and regular lines of communication with all Council and Nagalro members, in order to continue to improve all aspects of our offer to our members and to the children we serve.


Vacant - Treasurer



Julia Hughes - Company Secretary


Nagalro Council members:

  • Pete Bentley - Independent Social Worker

  • Marvalyn Chambers - Independent Social Worker and Psychodynamic Counsellor

  • Tony Macklin - s/e GAL in Northern  Ireland 

  • Niall Rynne - Independent Social Worker in Republic of Ireland

  • Mariana Straton - Independent Social Worker

  • Clare Mowbray - Independent Social Worker

  • Dr Tam Cane - Co-opted Member

  • Sukchandan Kaur - Co-opted Member


Service Providers:

  • Editor of Seen and Heard: Rodney Noon

  • Principal Administrator: Bonita Blaney

  • Policy Consultant:  Judith Timms OBE


Editorial Board:

  • Pete Bentley, Nagalro Policy Officer

  • Bonita Blaney, Principal Administrator

  • Yvonne Wilson, Nagalro  Chair

Training Group:

  • Yvonne Wilson, Chair

  • Bonita Blaney, Principal Administrator

  • Fiona Wallace, Nagalro  Vice Chair 


BCLM Group:

  • Julia Hughes, Nagalro Company Secretary

  • Fiona  Wallace, Nagalro Acting Vice Chair

  • Yvonne Wilson, Nagalro Chair


Carole Littlechild gives evidence to House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee

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