Personal Information
Services Offered:
Assessments, Consultancy, Expert Witness, Teaching / Mentoring and Therapy / Counselling / Direct work
Allegations of parental alienation, Domestic violence, Learning difficulties / Special needs, Mental Health, Playtherapy and Sexual abuse issues
Other Expertise:
Specialist Systemic Family Therapy Programme
Foreign Languages:
Regions available:
Ireland, London, Scotland, South East, South West and Wales
Surrey and Devon
I am Founder and Director of Co-Parenting Matters Ltd. I have extensive experience as an expert in the preparation of reports for Court in Public and Private Law Proceedings where there is a resist – refuse dynamic or contact difficulties with children of separated parents. I have a private clinical practice as a Specialist Systemic Family Therapist in Guildford, Surrey and in Totnes, Devon. I offer bespoke and tailored high conflict therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic viability assessments as a SJE. I am a registered social worker with 38 years’ experience in child protection, adult mental health, (warranted under 1983 MHA) with 20 years’ experience as a clinician in child and adolescent mental health CAMHS. I am a legally registered social worker with CORU in Ireland and am available to work within this jurisdiction.
Personal Information
Qualifications: BPhil, P.T.A. N.O.P.T. PQ1, DIPSW, DIPHE, NVQ D32/33.
Services Offered:
Assessments, Chairing, Complaints, Consultancy, Expert Witness, Teaching / Mentoring and Therapy / Counselling / Direct work
Adoption and Fostering, Alcohol and drug misuse, Autism, Cultural issues, Domestic violence, Forced marriages, Immigration and asylum seekers, Learning difficulties / Special needs, Mental Health, Playtherapy and Sexual abuse issues
Foreign Languages:
Regions available:
East Midlands, Eastern, Ireland, London, North East, North West, Scotland, South East, Wales, West Midlands and Yorkshire & Humber
West Midlands
I have over twenty years of social work experience offering a range of assessment, programmes and other independent social work services focused towards families where there are child protection concerns and/or where Care Proceedings have commenced or are being considered. I offer a child focused professional service to solicitors, local authorities and independent organizations. In addition I provide training and consultancy throughout the UK, in areas such as Professional Coaching, and Supervision, domestic violence, safeguarding, risk assessment and analysis, drug and alcohol abuse, I am able to provide assessments to parents with a learning disability am also able to provide.
Personal Information
Qualifications: BA (1st equiv.), NYU; Master Social Work (MSW), New York; MA Psychosocial Studies (distinction), Birkbeck College; MA Art (distinction), Central St Martins; PGcert Social Work Education, Goldsmiths
Services Offered:
Assessments, Complaints, Consultancy, Expert Witness and Therapy / Counselling / Direct work
Adoption and Fostering, Alcohol and drug misuse, Allegations of parental alienation, Autism, Cultural issues, Domestic violence, Mental Health and Sexual abuse issues
Regions available:
London, South East and South West
I have more than 20 years’ experience as a qualified social worker, including 10+ years as an independent expert witness (ISW) in the UK family court. I have held social work and management roles in Local Authorities; acted as a children’s Guardian and family court advisor for Cafcass; and I regularly teach social work at several London universities, and for the NHS at the Tavistock Clinic. Previously in New York City, I gained experience in issues of mental health, substance misuse and trauma as a mental health clinician in the Rikers Island jail facility; in a child and adolescent psychiatric unit; and crisis work following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As an ISW I complete Section 7 reports, parenting assessments, risk assessments, supervise and assess contact, and offer consultations for parents in private law proceedings. I have filed reports and given evidence in every family court in greater London and many across the country and my work has been positively evaluated in two published court judgements.