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Mary Hegarty


I was employed by NSPCC in Derry from 2004-2021, initially as a practitioner, then Team Manager, before becoming Service Manager in 2018, specialising throughout in Sexual Abuse recovery work, but also working with families in which there had been domestic abuse. NPSCC made the Service Manager post redundant in late 2021, at which time I became an Independent Therapeutic Social Worker. I am experienced in developing and delivering training in all aspects of this work to statutory and voluntary organisations, and offer training online, I accept referrals from all agencies as well as families/self referrals.

Maxine Harris


After qualifying as a social worker in 1998 I worked in a local authority children and families team mainly in child protection. I commenced independent work in 2003 working initially as a Childrens’ Guardian representing children in public law proceedings. I presently do independent work with local authorities and private fostering agencies. I have prepared numerous reports for court and have acted as an expert witness in family proceedings. I have knowledge of the Islamic culture, dual and mixed heritage families, lesbian and gay partnerships, family assessments, sibling relationships and family contacts. I have chaired child protection and family group conferences and fostering panels.

Philippa Hector


Pippa Hector started Hector Independent Assessments in March 2008 having worked in the statutory sector for over 10 years in Child Protection and Mental Health. She quickly gained a reputation for in-depth assessments and as demand has grown established a small team of Social Workers who offer a comprehensive Parenting and Kinship Assessment service. We have developed a framework for parenting assessments that gives a flexible range from snap shots of parents knowledge to in depth assessments over 12 weeks to analyse not only parental understanding but ability to change patterns of behaviour and promote the needs of their children.

Julia Isikwe Hughes


I am black of Afro-European heritage. I have worked as a Children and Families social worker for the London Borough of Ealing and Staffordshire social service departments. Between 1995 - 2020 I have worked as a Children’s Guardian. I undertake independent Social Work Parenting Assessments, Special Guardianship assessments and Fostering assessments and therapeutic life story work with children who are experiencing trauma as a result of abuse or parental disputes. My specialisms are: West African Culture, Race and Identity. I also undertake International assessments in Germany and Nigeria. I am an integrative psychotherapist and have a small private practice where I work with adults and young people.