Personal Information
Qualifications: Bachelor SW, Master SW, Practice Teaching and Enabling Others
Services Offered:
Assessments and Consultancy
Alcohol and drug misuse, Cultural issues, Domestic violence, Learning difficulties / Special needs, Mental Health and Pams Assessments
Foreign Languages:
English, Gujarati and Hindi
Regions available:
East Midlands, Eastern, London, South East and South West
07507 863014
07507 863014
During 15 years of post qualifying experience in children and families front line service, I have gained invaluable experience of various facets such as parental substance misuse, parental mental health, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, honour based violence, to name a few. My Asian/Indian background and awareness of cultural issues benefit my assessment and intervention with various Asian and ethnic minority communities. My ability to speak, read and write Hindi and Gujarati is the cherry on top as I am able to tender my services to a larger population. I have undertaken parenting assessments, risk assessments, Pams, SGO assessments and viability assessments.
Personal Information
Qualifications: BA Hons in Applied Social Studies; CQSW & DIPSW
Services Offered:
Assessments, Chairing and Consultancy
Alcohol and drug misuse, Allegations of parental alienation, Cultural issues, Domestic violence, Immigration and asylum seekers and Sexual abuse issues
Other Expertise:
Contact supervision
Foreign Languages:
Regions available:
East Midlands, Eastern, International, London, South East, South West, Wales and West Midlands
South East London
07931 581279
07931 581279
Born in Jamaica but educated in UK , I am at ease working with clients from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I have worked in Residential Childrens Homes and after qualifying as SW I joined Hackney Children Services. This inner city experience helped develop strong assessment skills working with communities including Orthodox Jews, Turkish, S. Asians, West African, Eritreans, Caribbean, Irish, White British and Travelling families. I have addressed sexuality and gender issues. Worked for 9 Local Authorities & also Cafcass managing Children's Guardians in the Principal Registry. I was a manager at Windsor & Maidenhead and at Redbridge Children's Trust as a Quality Assurance Officer. I am interested and have undertaken training in so-called parental alienation. A good listener my primary task is to protect vulnerable children.
Personal Information
Qualifications: LLB Hons, MA/CWSW, Accredited Social Work, Practice Teacher, Diploma in Counselling, Advanced Award in Social work. MSC in Mental Health social work and Professional doctorate (from the Tavistock clinic); PAMS
Services Offered:
Assessments, Chairing, Complaints, Consultancy, Expert Witness, Teaching / Mentoring and Therapy / Counselling / Direct work
Adoption and Fostering, Alcohol and drug misuse, Autism, Cultural issues, Domestic violence, Forced marriages, Immigration and asylum seekers, Learning difficulties / Special needs, Mental Health, Playtherapy and Sexual abuse issues
Foreign Languages:
English, Hindi, Mirpuri, Punjabi and Urdu
Regions available:
East Midlands, Eastern, International, London, North West, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands and Yorkshire & Humber
07958 295831
07958 295831
Dr Rukhsana Farooqi Social Work Consultant/Director of Empowering Black Children and Families LTD a multidisciplinary Team. I have expertise in working with families from Pakistan, India and, Bangladesh and an interest in working with children of dual heritage. Also experience of working in child protection and assessing children and families subject to court proceedings. I have been a Guardian ad Litem for the Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham and London panels and a part-time Court Welfare Officer for the Middlesex Probation Service. I undertake Independent comprehensive assessments in Public and Private Law Proceedings, immigration, age assessments and work for the Official Solicitor. I have expertise in forced marriage and honour based violence. I have undertaken assessments where there have been issues of radicalisation. I also have expertise in child and adolescent mental health and therapeutic work with young Asian women.