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Paula Pettit


I am a Social Worker with 19 years’ experience in children’s services. This includes several years at SWIFT Specialist Family Service where I specialised in domestic abuse, attachment and learning disability. I have extensive experience in specialised risk and parenting assessments, special guardianship assessments and providing expert opinion in family courts. I have worked independently since 2021 and been instructed from local authorities, private fostering agencies, and independent social work agencies. I have a particular interest in domestic abuse, non-accidental injuries, attachment and learning disability. Also have some experience of working with different cultures including Afghan and Pakistani.

Marie-Louise Perkins


Qualified for 14 years, with 12 years frontline child protection and Court proceedings work including Team Manager roles in a Local Authority. Most recently I have been the PLO manager whilst providing staff training around court proceedings and involved in several High Court cases. I have completed Fostering assessments (Form F and reg 24) sibling assessments, parenting assessments (including for parents with addition, domestic abuse and mental health concerns), viability assessments for connected persons as well as working as a Cafcass Associate particularly in private law proceedings (Section 7 reports).

Charles Plummer


I have 35 years’ experience of social work practice with children and families in a variety of settings, encompassing statutory children & families work within local authorities, residential work, family counselling, education, and latterly fostering and adoption. I have held the positions of Senior Practitioner, Practice Supervisor, and Team Manager, and have worked as a Children’s Guardian since 2005. I can undertake assessment of parents who have additional needs/challenges/vulnerabilities, for example, mental health issues, substance misuse issues and learning disabilities. (Parent Assess trained) Section 7, Section 37, & Specific Issues Reports Special Guardianship/Kinship/Connected Carers Reports Sibling Together & Apart assessments