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John Abdullah-Zadeh


Experienced Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 40 years Social Work experience, 21 years Local Authority Social Work &Team Manager. International social work, parenting capacity & kinship assessments. Expertise in cultures, ethnicity, faith, and traditions relating to Asian, African, and European families. Immigration and mental health-related issues. Multilingual

Judi Lyons


I have worked as an independent social worker specializing in providing assessments of children and their families, principally involved in Children Act (1989) proceedings since 2004. I have provided reports for local authorities, parents and grandparents in public law proceedings and given evidence in court. I have also conducted parenting assessments in the UK and Europe. Until 2010 I was also a Children’s Guardian, having spent 25 years in this role. I have combined this area of work with being a practice teacher and part-time lecturer in social work. I am a qualified FMA supervisor and work as a family mediator and supervisor in divorce proceedings. I currently train solicitors for the Children Panel.

Kev Stroud


I am an Independent Social Worker and Social Work Consultant with nearly 30 years experience of practice and management in social care services, primarily in local authority child protection work. I have worked in various teams - assessment, care planning and court work included - and dealt with a wide range of risk issues for children. I began working independently in 2016. I have well developed assessment, care planning, supervisory and report writing skills. My interests are in improving the effectiveness and quality of services and ensuring good assessment, planning and long-term outcomes for children and families.

Elena Sandrini


I have 38 years experience of working with children and families gained in England, mainland Europe and some third world countries. I specialise in undertaking complex risk and kinship assessments in the UK and abroad, especially in third world states. I have considerable experience in assisting parties to identify common grounds and to enable conciliation when to do so is realistic and appropriate. I have a proven ability to work with those whose ability to care for them is impaired by learning disability of by the effect of substance misuse. I am a strong and effective motivator. I am a trained mediator, I am fluent in Italian and I am approved by the Italian Consulate to undertake assessments in Italy and my work is recognised by the Italian Courts. I have undertaken training as a coach with animas and I available to coach and mediate in English and Italian.

Maswood Ahmed


Experienced PAMS Trained Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 30 years Social Care experience, 17 years as Local Authority Social Work Team Manager. International social work experience including assessment, placement and supervision of children. Expertise in Asian, African, Eastern European, Sudanese, Somalian, middle-Eastern culture, language, religion, including Islam and Muslims. Bangladeshi, Sylheti, Bengali, cultural expert. Learning Disability, mental health and complex parenting/risk assessments. Case management and investigation involving Forced Marriage, Black Magic, Domestic Violence, child sexual exploitation, emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. Independent immigration Tribunal reports. Experienced Expert witness. Expertise in Connected Persons, Special Guardianship (SGO) assessments.

Clare Mowbray


Clare Mowbray is a self employed Children’s Guardian/Family Court Adviser and Independent practitioner and practice teacher. Clare’s Cafcass work is within Gloucestershire, the independent practice is outside Gloucestershire. Independent work includes assessments in public and private law cases of parents and grandparents etc, assessments of prospective foster cases and file reviews in respect of social services provision. The training of Guardians, social workers and other professionals is carried out through Cafcass and independent assignments. Clare has a particular interest in mental health and adoption issues and markets her own report writing skills course for social workers.

Niall Rynne


A qualified, CORU registered and insured Independent Social Worker based in the Rep. of Ireland. Providing professional time sensitive services to Local Authorities and allied professionals in the UK. Working in a systematic, professional and timely manner. Experienced in working with LAs in the placement of children in Ireland from the UK. Services include assessments in Form F, Connected Persons, Special Guardianship, Kinship Care, Parental Assessments, Viability Assessments, Contact Supervision, Court Reports and Expert Witness. Member of the Irish Association of Social Workers IASW, the Teaching Council of Ireland and Council Member in the Rep. of Ireland for Nagalro.

Angela Russo


As a bilingual (Italian/English) social worker registered in UK and Italy, I bring over 25 years of experience in social and criminal justice. I specialize in cross-border assessments between the UK and Italy, including Special Guardianship & Connected Person, Kinship, Viability, and Parenting Assessments. My experience covers navigating complex issues and be-spoke support in cross-border kinship care. With a background as a Family Court Advisor for Cafcass and a Probation Officer (in the UK and equivalent in Italy), I have developed particular interest and strength in addressing challenges related to alcohol/drug misuse, mental health, domestic violence, parental conflict, alienation allegations, sexual abuse, and Immigration/asylum. Based primarily in Italy, I collaborate with UK Local Authorities and Italian Social Services to facilitate transitions from the UK to Italy, arrange post-placement support, and secure legal permanency for children with kinship carers in Italy. Additionally, I work as a court expert with high-conflict bilingual families, in the Italian family courts and participate in conferences and training, that contribute to social work education in Italy.