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Please see our latest News articles below.

Important Information about ISWs and Legal Aid

04 Jul 2024

Since April 2023 Nagalro has been attempting to discuss with the Ministry of Justice (Legal Aid Agency) the issue of the hourly rates payable to ISWs in cases where the fees are paid through the Legal Aid Agency.  We have been asking the LAA and MoJ... Read more

Nagalro Open Letter to Government Urges the End of Deprivation of Liberty Orders for Children Not in Therapeutic Care

06 Mar 2024

FAR AWAY FROM THEIR HOMES WITH NO CLEAR, EXIT PLAN Nagalro Open Letter to Government Urges the End of Deprivation of Liberty Orders for Children Not in Therapeutic Care Following Nagalro’s 2023, multi-disciplinary conference on the growing use... Read more

Nagalro is proud to support the Children at The Table campaign

27 Jan 2024

What does Children at The Table mean? Making sure politicians across Government work together to improve the lives of babies, children and young people Putting children’s needs and voices at the heart of decision making Investing more of the... Read more

Nagalro Responds to Assault on Family Court Judge in Milton Keynes

04 Dec 2023

Nagalro Responds to Assault on Family Court Judge in Milton Keynes Nagalro extends its sympathy to the judge who was assaulted in court by a litigant on 29 November 2023 and hopes that our professional colleague will make a speedy... Read more

Nagalro Response to the Public Law Working Group Adoption Consultation

23 Nov 2023

Recommendations for best practice in respect of adoption: interim report To read the Nagalro Response to the Public Law Working Group Adoption Consultation please click here Read more


25 Aug 2023

Analysis of NHS data by mental health charity Young Minds has shown that, in May 2023, there were record numbers of children referred to mental health crisis teams.  According to Nagalro, because there are nowhere near enough mental health... Read more

Nagalro response to mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse: call for evidence

19 Aug 2023

  To read the Nagalro response to the above please click here In the light of the responses to the above, the Home Office published a further consultation which closed on 30 November - please click here to read the Nagalro response Read more

Nagalro Officers meet Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division

20 Jul 2023

On the 7 July 2023 Nagalro Chair, Yvonne Wilson, Vice Chair, Fiona Wallace, and Treasurer, Kathy Butcher, met with Sir Andrew McFarlane, the President of the Family Division.  Julia Hughes, Nagalro’s Company Secretary, joined the meeting virtually... Read more

Illegal Migration Bill. Joint Briefing from Article 39 and endorsed by Nagalro

28 Jun 2023

Nagalro fully supports Article 39's briefing asking Peers to protect our universal child welfare system, by removing Clauses 15 and 16 from the Bill. Click here to read the briefing in... Read more

Psychologists as Expert Witnesses in Family Courts

16 Jun 2023

In the light of the decision in Re C (Parental Alienation) [2023] EWHC 345 Fam, the Family Justice Council and the British Psychological Society have jointly issued guidance on the instruction of psychologists as expert witnesses in the family... Read more

Nagalro endorses Joint Parliamentary Briefing: The Illegal Migration Bill and Its Impact on Children

01 Jun 2023

Nagalro endorses this Joint Parliamentary Briefing:  The Illegal Migration Bill and Its Impact on Children.  25 May 2023 BASW, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the British Medical Association, the Refugee Council and Medical... Read more

Nagalro joins calls to end smacking Children in England

24 May 2023

Nagalro wishes to support the calls, made by NSPCC and Barnardo’s last March, to end corporal punishment for children in England.  The devolved governments in Scotland and Wales have already changed their laws so that all children receive the same... Read more

Report from Nuffield Family Justice Observatory re 'Ethnicity of children in care and supervision proceedings in England'

23 May 2023

To read the Nuffield FJO report titled 'Ethnicity of Children in Care and Supervision Proceedings in England' please click here     Read more

Address by Sir James Munby, Chair Nuffield Family Justice Observatory and former President of the Family Division, at the Nagalro conference on 13 March 2023

03 May 2023

THE NAGALRO SPRING ONLINE CONFERENCE ‘Understanding the Real Cost of Deepening Poverty for Children – can we remain hopeful and helpful? Monday 13 March 2023 An introductory paper by Sir James Munby   The aim of this important... Read more

Stable Homes, Built on Love: Implementation Strategy and Consultation

Government response to Josh MacAlister Review of Children's Social Care

02 Feb 2023

'Stable Homes, Built on Love: Implementation Strategy and Consultation' The Government has, today, published its response to:   Josh MacAlister's Independent Review of Children's Social Care   The Competition and Markets Authority report on... Read more

Nagalro response to DfE Consultation 'Regulating Supported Accommodation For Looked After Children And Care Leavers Aged 16 And 17'

17 Jan 2023

Please click here to download the Nagalro response to DfE Consultation 'Regulating Supported Accommodation For Looked After Children And Care Leavers Aged 16 And 17' Read more

Nagalro Press Release: "WHOLE SYSTEM CHANGE AT ALL LEVELS" required for black children seeking adoption, House of Lords finds

14 Dec 2022

 “WHOLE SYSTEM CHANGE AT ALL LEVELS” REQUIRED FOR BLACK CHILDREN SEEKING ADOPTION HOUSE OF LORDS FINDS The report of the House of Lords’ Children and Families Act 2014 Committee published its report on 6 December 2022.  The report’s title is ‘A... Read more

Covert Recordings in Family Law Proceedings concerning Children Family Justice Council Guidance

14 Dec 2022


Regulating supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16 and 17 – Government consultation

14 Dec 2022

On 5 December 2022, the Department for Education launched a consultation into its proposed quality standards for supported accommodation for 16 and 17-year-olds.  The consultation also has draft standards for such accommodation. The consultation is... Read more

New pilot scheme for reporting cases in family courts

12 Dec 2022

On 29 November The President announced a pilot scheme for reporting cases in family courts. The scheme will operate in Cardiff, Leeds and Carlisle from January 2023 to January 2024. The Guidance setting out how it will work can be downloaded here. Read more