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Nagalro Officers Meet with the President of the Family Division

Nagalro Officers Meet with the President of the Family Division

30 July 2024

On 30 July 2024, the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of Nagalro met with Sir Andrew McFarlane in his chambers. The discussions included:

  • DoLS orders and the shortage of therapeutic mental health provision to avoid children being held in this way. Sir Andrew described the increasing number of children held in this way as one of the things he was most worried about.
  • Nagalro expressed its concerns about care plans that are not followed up after the final order has been made and a lack of support for kinship carers and special guardians.
  • Nagalro reported the difficulties often experienced by ISWs in private law cases where (often litigants-in-person) threaten ISWs with legal action and complaints to their professional regulator. Sir Andrew was sympathetic to these issues and hoped the Pathfinder court model would reduce these issues. 

Photo from left to right Kathy Butcher, Fiona Wallace, The President, Yvonne Wilson and Julia Hughes meeting Sir Andrew MacFarlane, President of the Family Division at Royal Courts of Justice

Nagalro Officers