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Alison Austin


My early career was spent working at a psychiatric hospital and then as a social worker in a busy London Borough where I was a Fostering and Adoption Officer. I have been a Children’s Guardian since 1984 and more recently I have been writing independent reports as an expert witness in family proceedings. I have also carried out many Home Study Assessments for both Inter-Country and Domestic Adoptions and have experience of guiding applicants through the Court process and preparing Rule 29 Reports.

Judi Lyons


I have worked as an independent social worker specializing in providing assessments of children and their families, principally involved in Children Act (1989) proceedings since 2004. I have provided reports for local authorities, parents and grandparents in public law proceedings and given evidence in court. I have also conducted parenting assessments in the UK and Europe. Until 2010 I was also a Children’s Guardian, having spent 25 years in this role. I have combined this area of work with being a practice teacher and part-time lecturer in social work. I am a qualified FMA supervisor and work as a family mediator and supervisor in divorce proceedings. I currently train solicitors for the Children Panel.

Faith Weekes


I have worked within the child care and child protection field for over 25 years, as a nursery officer, social worker and Children’s Guardian, the last 10 years as a Children’s Guardian and independent social worker. As an independent social worker I have completed a large number of assessments and reports for court in both private and public law proceedings. I have also completed a large number of parenting/fostering/special guardianship and kinship assessments for local authorities. I regard myself as child focused, fair and balanced in terms of my assessments and views.

Julia Isikwe Hughes


I am black of Afro-European heritage. I have worked as a Children and Families social worker for the London Borough of Ealing and Staffordshire social service departments. Between 1995 - 2020 I have worked as a Children’s Guardian. I undertake independent Social Work Parenting Assessments, Special Guardianship assessments and Fostering assessments and therapeutic life story work with children who are experiencing trauma as a result of abuse or parental disputes. My specialisms are: West African Culture, Race and Identity. I also undertake International assessments in Germany and Nigeria. I am an integrative psychotherapist and have a small private practice where I work with adults and young people.

Jeffrey Baker


I have more than 20 years’ experience as a qualified social worker, including 10+ years as an independent expert witness (ISW) in the UK family court. I have held social work and management roles in Local Authorities; acted as a children’s Guardian and family court advisor for Cafcass; and I regularly teach social work at several London universities, and for the NHS at the Tavistock Clinic. Previously in New York City, I gained experience in issues of mental health, substance misuse and trauma as a mental health clinician in the Rikers Island jail facility; in a child and adolescent psychiatric unit; and crisis work following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. As an ISW I complete Section 7 reports, parenting assessments, risk assessments, supervise and assess contact, and offer consultations for parents in private law proceedings. I have filed reports and given evidence in every family court in greater London and many across the country and my work has been positively evaluated in two published court judgements.

Karen Singer


Since qualifying I had been a Social Worker and Senior Practitioner in several London Boroughs and in Avon prior to my current work as an Independent Social Worker and self employed Children’s Guardian. I had also been a tutor at Bristol University specialising in Family and Child Care issues relevant to Courts and with clarity of evidence and in reports. I have 30 years full time professional experience in a wide range of complex family situations including those requiring sensitivity and cultural awareness, and a particular concern for sibling contact to be established, maintained and advocated.

Philippa Hector


Pippa Hector started Hector Independent Assessments in March 2008 having worked in the statutory sector for over 10 years in Child Protection and Mental Health. She quickly gained a reputation for in-depth assessments and as demand has grown established a small team of Social Workers who offer a comprehensive Parenting and Kinship Assessment service. We have developed a framework for parenting assessments that gives a flexible range from snap shots of parents knowledge to in depth assessments over 12 weeks to analyse not only parental understanding but ability to change patterns of behaviour and promote the needs of their children.

Clare Mowbray


Clare Mowbray is a self employed Children’s Guardian/Family Court Adviser and Independent practitioner and practice teacher. Clare’s Cafcass work is within Gloucestershire, the independent practice is outside Gloucestershire. Independent work includes assessments in public and private law cases of parents and grandparents etc, assessments of prospective foster cases and file reviews in respect of social services provision. The training of Guardians, social workers and other professionals is carried out through Cafcass and independent assignments. Clare has a particular interest in mental health and adoption issues and markets her own report writing skills course for social workers.

Maswood Ahmed


Experienced PAMS Trained Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 30 years Social Care experience, 17 years as Local Authority Social Work Team Manager. International social work experience including assessment, placement and supervision of children. Expertise in Asian, African, Eastern European, Sudanese, Somalian, middle-Eastern culture, language, religion, including Islam and Muslims. Bangladeshi, Sylheti, Bengali, cultural expert. Learning Disability, mental health and complex parenting/risk assessments. Case management and investigation involving Forced Marriage, Black Magic, Domestic Violence, child sexual exploitation, emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. Independent immigration Tribunal reports. Experienced Expert witness. Expertise in Connected Persons, Special Guardianship (SGO) assessments.

Surinder Kumari


I have considerable experience of court processes and have undertaken numerous assessments for the courts on different aspects including Parenting, Friends and Family Assessments, Sibling attachment, Core Assessments, Social Work Assessments, Contact and Risk Assessments. Some of these have been complex pieces of work with families where there have been child deaths/torture, surrogacy and forced marriages. I am trained to undertake Parenting assessments using the PAMS assessment tool parents with learning difficulties and undertaken the teachings. I am passionate about working with families and presenting good quality assessments to assist the decision making process for children and their families.