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Alison Austin


My early career was spent working at a psychiatric hospital and then as a social worker in a busy London Borough where I was a Fostering and Adoption Officer. I have been a Children’s Guardian since 1984 and more recently I have been writing independent reports as an expert witness in family proceedings. I have also carried out many Home Study Assessments for both Inter-Country and Domestic Adoptions and have experience of guiding applicants through the Court process and preparing Rule 29 Reports.

Helena Ware


I qualified in 1976. I worked in a local authority and as senior psychiatric social worker, in Child and Family and Psychiatry. I am a Children’s Guardian and caseworker for NYAS. I have been an independent social worker for the past 21 years specialising as an expert witness in private law and public law assessments in Children Act proceedings. I undertake independent social work assessments of families in private law matters involving residence and contact as well as leave to remove from the jurisdiction or internal relocation. I have assessed parents and families in public law. I have travelled extensively all over the world for assessments in both public and private law. I have family therapy and PAMs training.

Rukhsana Farooqi


Dr Rukhsana Farooqi Social Work Consultant/Director of Empowering Black Children and Families LTD a multidisciplinary Team. I have expertise in working with families from Pakistan, India and, Bangladesh and an interest in working with children of dual heritage. Also experience of working in child protection and assessing children and families subject to court proceedings. I have been a Guardian ad Litem for the Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham and London panels and a part-time Court Welfare Officer for the Middlesex Probation Service. I undertake Independent comprehensive assessments in Public and Private Law Proceedings, immigration, age assessments and work for the Official Solicitor. I have expertise in forced marriage and honour based violence. I have undertaken assessments where there have been issues of radicalisation. I also have expertise in child and adolescent mental health and therapeutic work with young Asian women.

John Abdullah-Zadeh


Experienced Independent Social Worker throughout England and Wales. Over 40 years Social Work experience, 21 years Local Authority Social Work &Team Manager. International social work, parenting capacity & kinship assessments. Expertise in cultures, ethnicity, faith, and traditions relating to Asian, African, and European families. Immigration and mental health-related issues. Multilingual

Eugene McCarthy


I provide an Assessment Service specialising in Form F, Special Guardianship, Kinship Care, & Art 56 (EU Regs) in relation to the placement of children in Ireland from the UK and other EU jurisdictions. I also provide risk assessment and follow up support and supervision where required. My agency Social Work Solutions Ireland is approved for the purposes of obtaining Garda (Irish Police) Vetting. Irish state registered social worker ( (Reg. No. 005439) and member Irish Assoc of Social Workers (IASW).

Philippa Hector


Pippa Hector started Hector Independent Assessments in March 2008 having worked in the statutory sector for over 10 years in Child Protection and Mental Health. She quickly gained a reputation for in-depth assessments and as demand has grown established a small team of Social Workers who offer a comprehensive Parenting and Kinship Assessment service. We have developed a framework for parenting assessments that gives a flexible range from snap shots of parents knowledge to in depth assessments over 12 weeks to analyse not only parental understanding but ability to change patterns of behaviour and promote the needs of their children.

Angella Wells


I am involved in all aspects of court related family work, undertaking safeguarding/parenting assessments, report writing, delivering training and case file auditing. I am competent in PAMs assessments and have an interest in evidence-based intervention models of assessment/teaching such as Triple P parenting and various strengthening families’ models. I have previously worked as a Child’s Guardian/IRO advocating and supporting children and young people. More recently I have been involved in strategic management with oversight of a range of quality assurance functions, including policies/procedures, performance management, inspection preparation, contextual safeguarding of vulnerable adolescents and serious case review learning.

Lynda Beat


After qualifying as a social worker in 1983 I have worked as a local authority social worker including in specialist mental health and child protection teams for 9 years. I have worked as a counsellor for the London Rape Crisis Centre, for the Pregnancy Advisory Service and for the NSPCC helpline. I was team manager in a local social services office for 4 years and have worked as a social worker for CAMHS. I have a particular interest in parents who have learning disability, depression and drug and alcohol difficulties. Since 1995 I have worked as a children’s guardian and since 2006 have acted as an independent social work expert providing assessments of carers and looking at contact disputes in private law proceedings.

Gill Timmis


I am an independent social worker with over 25 years experience of children and families social work. My expertise is in the following areas: independent parenting and risk assessments; assessments of prospective adopters and kinship assessments; representation of children as CAFCASS Children’s Guardian and in private law disputes concerning contact, residence and removal from the jurisdiction, appointed by the National Youth Advocacy Service. I have trained social workers and CAFCASS practitioners in child care legislation and practice, adoption and children’s rights and participation. I have published research and professional articles. I have worked in Bulgaria and Ethiopia running workshops in child care practice and legislation. I have knowledge of practice and have social work and legal contacts in Bulgaria and Ethiopia to enable me to provide advice in relation to international cases.

Clare Mowbray


Clare Mowbray is a self employed Children’s Guardian/Family Court Adviser and Independent practitioner and practice teacher. Clare’s Cafcass work is within Gloucestershire, the independent practice is outside Gloucestershire. Independent work includes assessments in public and private law cases of parents and grandparents etc, assessments of prospective foster cases and file reviews in respect of social services provision. The training of Guardians, social workers and other professionals is carried out through Cafcass and independent assignments. Clare has a particular interest in mental health and adoption issues and markets her own report writing skills course for social workers.