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Associate Membership Application

Associate Membership Application

I wish to apply for Associate Membership of the Nagalro for the year ending 31 March 2024.  I understand that this entitles me to participate in all of the activities of the Association, except to vote, or serve on the Committee.  I also understand that I will receive copies of the Association journal, Seen and Heard together with other notices and reduced fees for conferences and training courses.  Please contact us at or 07498 186980 if you have any queries about joining us.

Annual cost of Associate Membership: £65

A reduced rate is available for the second member (and more) members from the same firm. Please contact the Nagalro office at if you qualify for the reduced rate.

Please complete the following form:

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Account Number: 04223470

Sort Code: 309477

Name of account: Nagalro

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