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About Nagalro

About Nagalro

Nagalro is a professional association for social work practitioners who work in the children and families field and represent children in public and private court proceedings.  It has a reputation for excellence in the services it provides: its training, journal, and the influence of its campaigning and responses. 


Nagalro Council members and service providers 


Nagalro aims to:

  • Promote and enhance the quality of practice of social work practitioners
  • Provide services to members
  • Provide a forum to influence social policy to the benefit of children
  • Promote training and education
  • Distribute information and promote links between members
  • Seek out and express the views of members on matters of social policy
  • Co-operate with other organisations that promote the welfare of children

Services for members:

Full members of Nagalro receive:

  • Public liability and professional liability insurance at very competitive rates included
  • High quality Nagalro training and conferences at reduced rates
  • Support and representation with difficulties as a result of a complaint
  • Nagalro’s journal ‘Seen and Heard’
  • Easy access to information and advice
  • Links with colleagues across the country via Nagalro’s email support forum
  • The opportunity to join Nagalro's on-line independent social work directory


What we do:

  • Run training courses that have a reputation for excellence
  • Put on two conferences a year
  • Respond to government consultations
  • Work with others to influence social policy for children
  • Encourage and promote research
  • Publish our Principles and Practice Guidance as a standard for work

How Nagalro is organised

Established in 1990 as the national professional association for guardians ad litem and reporting officers, Nagalro is now a company limited by guarantee.  In 2002 Nagalro opened its membership to include independent social workers working in the children and families field. Now any registered social worker can become a full Nagalro member.

Nagalro holds its AGM in October and is run by a council elected by members. Council members are directors of the company and meet quarterly. Nagalro has three service providers.  The Nagalro office is run by its Principal Administrator, Bonita Blaney.

Membership is available for full members who are social workers registered with the appropriate regulatory body such as HCPC for England, Care Council for Wales, Scottish Social Services Council and the Northern Ireland Social Care Council.   Associate membership is available for those who support Nagalro’s aims but are not social workers e.g. solicitors, academics.

Nagalro Anti Racist statement

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